Exhale XR | VR Wellness

1 min

Exhale XR | Release Day

We hope you will join us Friday October 14th to explore the VR world of Exhale XR

The long awaited release of Exhale XR is today, Friday the 14th. We have worked hard to bring you a VR wellness app that can be not only enjoyable and fun but more importantly an app that players can use as a new tool within their daily mental health routines for better days.

We look forward to seeing players' personal experiences, on the community hub, with game play videos, screenshot grabs and feedback from your personal experiences with the Exhale XR app and the VR Wellness Library.

Keep up to date with player rewards, milestone marks, events and more on the Exhale XR community hub here on Steam.

Scan the QR code above or click here to go to the game page today...

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