As a company offering a service we can go on and on about how wonderful our product is, how valuable it is for the individual and enterprise and how amazed you will be with the way virtual reality therapies and immersions allow for your mind to quickly transition into a state of relaxation…
Instead of using this blog post to tell you how amazing virtual reality is, especially the Exhale XR | VR Wellness app, I digress. We have listed years of studies related to traditional forms of medical applications for virtual reality therapies and treatments. Formed over decades of studies, designed by academics, these links look into effective virtual reality treatments for people who suffer with physical pain, mental phobias, stress and more. You will see that for decades these VR studies have actively been helping people around the world move towards healthier lifestyles.
2021 - WebMD
2021 - National Library of Medicine
2019 - American Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology
2019 - Frontiers
2018 - Science News
2018 - American Psychological Association
2016 - Tech Crunch
More articles and papers here...

Download the Exhale XR | VR Wellness app today. Find the app on the Steam VR store for all Vive, Oculus & Meta headsets this winter or download the app for mobile iOS or Android.

*coming to Steam VR fall of 2022
